Sunday, November 13, 2005

Words + pictures > words alone

Kathy Sierra says it all in Words + pictures > words alone. It has pictures, so you have to go to her blog to read it. But here is the premise:

We’re visual creatures.
It was fun to read the article on the same day I finally caught up with a thread on visual blogs on the online faciltiation list. Take a look at the Color Theory Journal if you want a visual downpour.

Here's what I posted to onlinefacilitation:
I'm very interested in what adding the visual does to our online
communication. Recently Eileen Clegg, who does visual journalism as
part of her practice, started a blog and I wondered out loud in a
comment to her about how she would weave that into her blog (blogs
being typically more text oriented.) I love the visual diary of
Vitriolica 's blog at - While these
blogs aren't strictly about a visual domain as are the ones you
mentioned, they use the visual to communicate.

Flickr's easy "blog this" feature makes this sort of integration
easier as well. When I pick web based discussion tools, one of the
features I look for is inline images to add those right into
conversation. For me it is really a huge enhancement.

(Edit: here's another visually stunning blog, Paula's House of Toast.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy, thanks so much for the mention of that post and *especially* for the link to the wonderful Paula's House of Toast! Yet another thing to keep me from getting my work done...

-- Kathy Sierra

9:34 PM  
Anonymous SB said...

I love Vitriolica's -- & Paula's, too. I think visuals are an essential element of blogs, even though we are often read through Bloglines.

7:32 PM  

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