Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Archive your Yahoo Group Messages

Have you invested a ton of yourself in a Yahoo group over the years? Want to maintain it offline? Check out Personal Groupware. They have a fully functioning free trial, and if you want to purchase it, it's USD $19.95. Here is what they say it can do (I haven't tried it yet).

* Download & archive all the messages from a Yahoo group.
* Import/Export all or a range of messages for group/s as one file.
* Hide posts prefixed with '>' so when you're reading a thread you only see new posts.
* Mark special messages as 'Favourite' so you can find them again easily.
* Sort by author, date, message number, subject, favourite or new status.
* Search messages by author, subject or content even over multiple groups!.
* Save and load search parameters. Save and load search results.
* View only new messages & read them in a digest format.
* See statistics for the group. See how many posts you've made, etc.
* Share attachments downloaded before the Yahoo cutoff."


Anonymous Nicole Simon said...

If you 'just' want a backup of those mails you should consider assigning a mailing address as subscription and receive all new messages through email (YGroups offer both ways, reading online and sending emails).

Most of what is described in the tool can be done by every normal mail program. :) And if it is a good mail program, it can already import and export those mails.

But then again, the software might give you additional benefits and make it worth the price.

6:04 AM  
Blogger "வற்றாயிருப்பு" சுந்தர் said...

//(YGroups offer both ways, reading online and sending emails).//

This applies to only messages posted after you join the group. If you would like to download any messages that were posted before you joined the group, there is no way you can do; other than using these kind of tools.


1:57 PM  
Anonymous ChrisG said...

Google for "yahoo2mbox", its a free Perl script that can extract all archived messages directly from a yahoogroup into standard mbox format, readable with Thunderbird etc.

2:13 AM  

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