Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1 - World AIDS Day 2005

Originally uploaded by Choconancy1.
From my friend Lars, comes PeaceTiles' work to create visibility for AIDS on World AIDS Day. Lars writes:
As we celebrate those who have been lost, who struggle on, and who are fighting to end the global AIDS pandemic this World AIDS Day 2005, I wanted to share with you two exciting ways you can share uplift.

First, you can compose your own Peace Tiles "mural" and send it to a friend by using the Peace Tiles "ecard" maker designed and produced by TakingITGlobal founder, Michael Furdyk:

You can also check out a selection of more than 80 art works produced by more than 1,000 young people in 11 countries spanning four continents. The images you can see were produced in Peace Tiles workshops convened by our passionate and dedicated colleagues around the world. The images are here:

Finally, you might be excited to know that Peace Tiles are have been evolving around other issues as well. One such issue is child soldiers in Uganda. Have a look at the following video clip (hint: the *good* part comes toward the end!).

In case you can't access the video, you can read about the effort here:

If you would like to find ways to use Peace Tiles to tackle other issues, locally and globally, please consider starting a discussion forum when you register and join
Art, technology, time, money, heart, mind -- we need to use it all to do so many things, including heal the world from HIV/AIDS, particularly in 2/3rds worlds where the impacts, deeply intertwined with poverty, are wiping out generations. At the same time, my plea is not to paint with a brush that wipes out the diversity, the locality, the individuality of each life and community.

I'm sending the postcard image you see in this post to my friends. But a postcards is just the first step. The next is to act.

Do something today to move the issue forward on World AIDS Day.

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Blogger Denise said...

My turn to thank you. The day slipped away from me, so no post for World Aids Day. Thanks for doing this.

6:13 PM  

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