Friday, December 23, 2005


A friend passed along this short video. Seems an appropriate token of the season. Thank you to all who have been part of my life this year, through this blog and many other channels.

In gratitude...


Blogger Kansasgal2 said...

WOW... I GET IT!!!
I have been seeing the spiral all year, and going thru full circle events for the past year, and have been wondering what in the world was going on in my life, been looking for a community that understands and NOW I HAVE FOUND IT! I HOPE!!!
I tried to sign up on the email but, not sure if it took me....please excuse me if I clicked too many times!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Kansasgal2 said...

I have not recieved anything on the 42 day experiment, altho, a friend of mine whom I sent the site to didnt "get it" and signed up, and has recieved his first key...why have I not?

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this symbol an actual symbol (maybe of a certain ethnicity's) or is it your artistic interpretation? I'd like to use it in a card (just for personal use.) and I'd love to know the story behind it,

11:46 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

It is from the site linked above. Click on the link and you will go there. I did not create it!

7:59 PM  

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