Thursday, December 22, 2005

Great Gmail Hack: Sorting your email with GMail

If you have a public web presence -- I'm thinking of all you who host/facilitate/moderate any kind of online group that involves email, check out this great Gmail suggestion: Personal Made Public: Sorting your email with GMail

Ever needed to submit a valid email address to register for access to a website or make an online purchase? Ever wondered if in doing so your address wouldn't end up sold to or stolen by some spammer. Ever wondered who your address gets shared with?

I came across a great way of using Google's GMail to create disposable/sortable email addresses that let you duck spam and find out who is sharing your address and with whom."
Click in to find out how!

(Postscript a bit later. I tried this. So far the mail has not shown up. Mmm.. user error?)

[via Lifehacker]


Anonymous Alan Gutierrez said...

I used to do this with my e-mail. I'd create an alias like alan-xml-dev when I joined xml-dev mailing list. Then I'd set up my mail delivery so that would go do a special folder.

After two or three years now, I can say that people don't generally share your e-mail address unless you let them. The Economist is so permitted, and I'm often offered bargain prices on MBA courses and Caribbean real estate.

So, e-mail registrations are not why you're getting tons of spam. You address is out there, or it's easily guessed from a dictionary. The exercise is probably not going to do much more than chew up your time.

I've abandoned the practice, and use my one email address for everything.

8:18 AM  

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