Thursday, December 08, 2005

Holiday Resource: Nancy's Fudge Recipe

It's time for a chocolate blog. If you like to make fudge for the holidays, here is a great recipe. Supposedly it came from See's Candies a billion years ago. Nancy's Fudge Recipe.

So what does this have to do with online interaction? Hey, we all need chocolate, offline or on!

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Anonymous Teresa Valdez Klein said...

Hi Nancy,
Your fudge recipe sounds amazing! I will have to give it a try for the holidays.
I would like to be a part of your next "Us/Them" phone conversation. My e-mail address is Drop me a line to let me know when and where to be.


9:07 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Teresa, email sent!

4:31 PM  
Blogger EmmaG said...

Hi Nancy.

I love chocolate. I was reading blog on another site a few minutes ago, the girl
works at See's Candy. When I came across your blog I thought it was pretty interesting.
I am not really familiar with See's Candy. Where is it located? I live in South
Alabama, which is probably why I have never heard of it. I will give your Chocolate Fudgy
Candy a try. It sounds very yummy!

Take Care.

11:38 AM  

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