Friday, December 09, 2005

Information & Communication Systems (ICS) in Disaster Response and Management

A MindCamper, Ario, turned me on to this University of Washington course resource site: "Understanding and Improving the Role of Information & Communication Systems (ICS) in Disaster Response and Management". It turns out that this course cites the work of Paul Currion, whom I've linked to here about a Katrina paper. It is always interesting how things intersect. (By the way, Paul is currently blogging from Pakistan, looking at technology application around the recent earthquake.)

If you are interested in the application of online tools and technologies to some of the worlds thorny problems, this site is full of interesting reads.

For those of you who are big Web2.0 thinkers, how do you imagine the changing web tools and environments might help? How do our grand ideas jive with the electricity, phone and bandwidth scarcity not just in disaster areas, but in 2/3rds world where this is the norm? There are so many brilliant tech minds... it seems we should tap into them to help in the area of humanitarian relief, eh?

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Anonymous Paul Currion said...

Hi Nancy - thanks for the mention on your blog! You're absolutely right about the need for some creative thinking when it comes to addressing these issues - particularly in terms of reaching communities affected by disaster. I've referenced your post on my own blog at 2006/01/03/ict4peace-thoughts-from
and I'll post updates on new developments in this area.

Late comment, I know, but I thought I'd make the effort!

1:53 PM  

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