Thursday, December 22, 2005

New York Times Interactive Graphic Guide to the Transit Strike

This is fantastic. This is a community indicator for sure. The NY Times (registration required) has an interactive map that allows folks in the NYC area to post their commute suggestions, alternatives and stories, mapped to their zip codes. Click on a few of the stories...New York Transit Strike - Guide to Commuting - New York Times Interactive Graphic
"A Guide to Commuting & Readers' Stories

Click on the map below to take a closer look at transportation alternatives available in your neighborhood and reports from readers on their commutes. The map may take a few seconds to load. Download a printable pdf version of the routes into Manhattan from Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx. You can contribute to the map by sharing your commuting story."
Like the power of the March of Dimes ShareYourStory site, this comes alive because of the little stories that unfold, almost addictively, when you click on a flag. Check it out!

[via Smartmobs]


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