Monday, December 05, 2005

Yahoo 360, Yahoo Groups and Managing Multi Membership

I have run a rather large Yahoo group since 1997. Over the years I have joined (and left) many groups. I also belong to a number of other email-based groups. What has happened over the years is that it has become more and more difficult to manage my "multimembership" (a term I first heard discussed in this way from Etienne Wenger in the context of communities of practice.)

Much of what I do for work and pleasure is mediated through online groups and communities. The question is, how do I manage all this, particularly when they are spread across different online tools and internet locations?

With the advent of tools that allow us to mix and remix our web experience (aka Web 2.0) it seems like a good time to think about how we better manage our multimembership. Finding my way through and across online conversations, bookmarks, tags, content, relationships and networks seems like a lynchpin to a number of things, including distributed (virtual - hate the label in this setting, but it's accepted) teams and communities of practice.

It is like being able to see my world at a 10,000 foot level, zoom in to details or recombine the intelligence across all the groups I belong to for application to a particular situation. It is my brain on my network (rather than drugs or chocolate!)


[Cross posted at my 360 Page]

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Blogger bev trayner said...

You mean .. what do I think here? Or what do I think in the Yahoo 360ยบ space?

1:07 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

This reminds me that I have been meaning to tell you how much I've enjoyed clicking into your superglu page - I've read all sorts of your posts from the yahoo group (onlinefacilitation) that I ditched long, long ago. It almost feels like I'm back in that group, in the way I always was, as an interested observer who gets to suck up Nancy White knowledge quietly and unobtrusively. Thanks for adding that feed to your superglu page! :-)

I really think something like superglu (though it is obviously not perfect)is the way to go. Your blog, your photos, your bookmarks/delicious, your yahoo groups etc... the sky is the limit and it's all right there in one place.

Yahoo 360 has the potential for a similar experience but I'm not sold on it - yet.

2:59 PM  

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