Thursday, January 12, 2006

Blog Discovery: Life 2.0

How delightful as one link leads you to another... I'm now enjoying reading (when I can steal a moment) Life 2.0.


Anonymous Nick Smith said...

Thanks Nancy - and not just for the plug, but for your writing too - a fantastic source of inspiration for me!
As you probably realise I'm new to this 'blogging lark' and I guess I'm still taking baby steps but I just know I'm going to love it.
I feel as though I'm just learning how to learn again. It's amazing how you can take a vague idea, make it concrete by having to 'express' it for others to read, then others can take that idea - comments on it, rip it to pieces, spread it around, add there 2 penneth to it. Then, what started out as that tiny vague idea, has now taken form, been strengthened, refined, grown and finally has the capacity to change us all for the better. Truly amazing!!

6:01 AM  

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