Friday, January 13, 2006

Kathy Sierra: Crash course in learning theory and Blogging Absence

Another amazing offering from Kathy Sierra. Dang, I need more time to read blogs. Check out Creating Passionate Users: Crash course in learning theory. I love the lead off:
One formula (of many) for a successful blog is to create a 'learning blog'. A blog that shares what you know, to help others. Even--or especially--if that means giving away your 'secrets'. Teaching people to do what you do is one of the best ways we know to grow an audience--an audience of users you want to help."
I have been doing 16 hour days of work and it shows in both my blog reading (my inspiration) and posting. I have not felt guilty, per se, but aware that I set an expectation for myself to be consistent.

Oh well. I'm heading mostly offline for for the 2nd Evolutionary Salon, where I am starting with an expectation of listening and learning. It is a new pool I'm diving into.


Anonymous beth said...

an offline immersion - how refreshing ...
Wow, that looks fabulous! Social creativity ... and Nancy Marguiles ...who wrote one of the most influential books in my life - the book on mindmapping. When I discovered the technique, it changed my life. I hope you blog about your experience ...

12:49 PM  

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