Wednesday, February 08, 2006

DemoBlog at Demologue

Mary Joyce, editor of DemoBlog wrote me to let me know of her work aggregating bloggers concerned about democracy across the world. It is part of her larger project, Demologue. . There is also a related Google Group.

The site's goals are to inform, empower and connect. The mission statement:
Demologue is a web-based international network for democracy activists. It aims to increase communication and skills transfer between democracy activists in different nations in order to speed the process of citizen-led democratization around the world.  The network is a non-hierarchical organization,  and the content of the site is determined by the needs and interests of its members.  Demologue is independent.  It is not funded by any government or government agency.
It is great to see these resources emerge. What I wonder about is how the related efforts find each other and connect. I'm thinking of  Stephen Clift, Alexandra Samuels, Jon Lebkowsky and countless others.

How do we help networks connect to networks?


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