Friday, February 03, 2006

How do I admit when I LIKE a commercial?

Michael Dowd, the great evolutionary storyteller, passed along this link. Evolution in 30 seconds... with a twist. Take a peekEvolution (video/quicktime Object).

What would be the 30 second story showing the evolution of online communications?


Blogger Edward Vielmetti said...

30 seconds to describe 30 years of evolution will be hard. Where do you start, what do you cover?

I've tried to tell this story in an hour and don't even get very much detail, it really wants a semester at about a year per hour to cover it well.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Alan Gutierrez said...

Oddly enough, this commercial is similar to the Honda commerical you posted. An evolutionary series accompanied by lounge music.

And I bought a Guiness last night at D.B.A. on Frenchman St. in the Marigny in New Orleans, all the while telling my friend that she had to see this hilarous commerical, and that's why I'm drinking a Guiness.

2:06 PM  

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