Thursday, February 23, 2006

Social Software Plus Community in Action

Alan Levine tells a story (what a great form!) about Social Software In Action (no real software required). It is worth reading the whole thing so no snippets! Go read it.

I'll add a coda to the title. Social Software + Community in action. Alan, did you know you stumbled into a community? That Bev and Nick and I all know each other? You provided the spark that set us collectively to action. Actually, more than that, because you and your community of edubloggers have influenced us. So it was the intersection of a couple of communities.

Pretty damn cool. And POWERFUL!

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Blogger SusNyrop said...

Crossing trajectories indeed, Nancy.
I found YOUR message here from Will Richardscon's weblogg-ed
- because Will was one of our guest speakers in the TESOL Electronic Village Online 06
I was checking his blog now as part of my research for a new course that I'm planing with inspiration from the EVO workshop on collaborative blogging for language learning and teaching, plus the podcasting session - where that same Nick Noakes was actively sharing his useful knowledge. Yes, the virtual connections are getting thicker and with more crossing interests. Mashup, folksonomy & web 2.0 indeed.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Indeed, the connections get dense. Have you been following the comments in Alan's blog?

6:20 PM  

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