Web 2.0 and the Voluntary Sector in the UK
I just want to throw out a pointer to my NGO/NPO pals in the UK about an event they might be interested in... This reminds me of the recent month long online event at CPSquare about how communities of practice can use new technologies. (See the tag CoP20).
Open Invitation to Give Voluntary Sector Organisations a Taste for Collaboration Workshops and a website are now available to Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations who wish to try out some online tools for collaboration. This support is provided through the I-See-T project. See website. I-See-T is a project exploring Information Communications Technology for collaboration in the voluntary and community sector. It is run by ruralnet|uk and is open to rural and non-rural organisations. Free places on two taster workshops in Warwickshire (1st March) and London (6th March) are available to book now. The taster workshops will give attendees a chance to find out how technology can help with collaborative working. Novices are especially welcome - the tools being showcased - including shared calendars, 'weblogs' and news feeds are there to help, not hinder!
[Via David Wilcox]
The workshops will include a technology 'jargon-busting' session and demonstration zone where some of the tools will be in action. During the project, the participants will be able to share their experience, and advantages and potential pitfalls of using ICT for collaboration. The website, http://www.i-see-t.org.uk will support the project, providing jargon-free information about the ICT tools on hand for collaboration. For those taking part in the project, there will be an online 'sandpit' where they can have a go at using the tools beyond the face-to-face activities and share their experiences of using them. There are also a limited number of places available on follow-up workshops focusing on practical ways technology can improve work efficiency and productiveness. Planned workshops include how online tools can help when organising an event, tricks and tools to help with finding and getting funding, and how technology can help to keep track of projects, people and resources.
Country/Regional Focus: UK
Tags: CoP20, web2.0, nptech
Hi and thanks for a really interesting blog which we've added to ours at http://charitytraining.blogspot.com
Stay in touch and keep up the good work!
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