Wednesday, February 08, 2006

WorldsTouch Blog - The Internet in Moorea

WorldsTouch's Patricia Perkins services up an interesting interview with Pascal at Arts Polynesians - the man who runs the only wireless internet cafe on Moorea, French Polynesia. First a bit about Patricia. She works at the intersection of technology and social justice. How can tech tools change the world? I think she's exploring that fronteir. I love Patricia's tagline at the top of her blog "Social justice and poverty work is alive and well and living in a computer." She also has a travel blog at TravelerTrish.

As I read her interview, my first instinct was to grimmace at this guy. It reminded me of the blindness caused by my own assumptions. I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. That said, Tish's interview goes far beyond the technical, and observes the cultural layers of both the French and local populations. The kicker quote comes at the end:
As it stands, the internet in Tahiti and Moorea is a toy for the foreigners, something tourists do, and are willing to pay good money for.

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