Wednesday, March 01, 2006

NGO Learning Wiki and Other Learning Resources

This week has been filled with connections to organizations and people looking at how learning is supported in NGOs (non governmental organizations - in the States we call them non profits - sort of the same). Greg had posted a comment today pointing to NGO Learning Wiki. I had a conversation earlier this week with folks from LINGOS, which is a coalition of NGOs seeing to share related learning offerings and practices. I've been active in a community I belong to on knowledge management and development (KM4Dev) where for me knowledge sharing IS about learning. And I've been a guest this week at CPSquare's "Foundations of Communities of Practice" workshop where learning is always at the core.

To see all these things keep popping up is a very good sign for two reasons. One is the recognition that learning is an engine for organizations. The second is that we don't have to do all our learning formally - that our communities are a rich place of learning. And third, when we do want more formalized learning, let's pool our resources. There is no need for constant wheel reinvention just so we can claim an effort as "ours" in an organizational context.

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