Monday, April 17, 2006

37days: Eat slowly and thank the chef

Patricia has another eloquent blog post about food and life. As a person who places food experiences, particularly with others, as one of the pinnacles of my life, I loved this blog post. Take a read: 37days: Eat slowly and thank the chef.

There are a couple of things that jump out from Patricia's essay. The first is about slowing down.

I'm really crappy at slowing down.

This is a tension that is showing up a lot in my life, now in the form of something new: procrastination. I have never been much of a procrastinator. I always get things in on time, but I usually have them done before.

Not any more. So I have to hurry even more than my normal frenetic nature would have me.

In the spaces between, I dawdle. I don't slow down. I fill the space with actions of little intention or focus. I read flitingly across blogs instead of reading something deeply. I post three small reference posts instead of slowing down to be more reflective and perhaps unearth something more useful to share out to the world.

I forget to turn on the stew or put the sheets in the dryer. I make excuses that I'm still in my robe and slippers at 3pm.

It is an odd set of circumstances: going too fast, procrastinating and skimming.

So when I read "Eat slowly and thank the chef," I took in a deep breath and said to myself, today I will pay attention to my patterns and see if I can find the moments where slowing down means going deeper, doing better, sensing more intensely the fragrance of life.

That last bit is the second thing that Patricia's post reminded me of; life is precious.


Blogger ashley said...

I fully support you in your slowing down and deepening, dear Nancy... but if you need some assistance in the procrastination world... there is help:

7:54 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

The module I am currently studying has a learning object on the use of Instant Messaging (requiring students to use the medium) and, usually leaving this to teenaged daughters of considerable multi-tasking dexterity, I am now more effectively procrstinating than ever before. How I ever missed the delights of exchanging backgrounds, winks and emoticons goodness only knows! Mind you, its a jolly effective way of suggesting that one of them cook the pasta! Yay indeed!!

3:27 PM  

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