Monday, April 10, 2006

Gardner Writes - Notes on remarkable things

Again, via Brian, a link to this amazing, AMAZING post about learning. I was going to post a snippet, but this is one that is worth the time to click and read the whole thing. Notes on remarkable things

Well, I can't resist one small snippet, as it pings on something dear to my heart: serindipity:
...the serendipity of it all made it feel more authentic, more like what happens when the mind begins to understand the scope of the question, the contours of the problem space. Those beginnings are rarely the result of connecting dots. They’re more in the way of a wild surmise.

Can these moments be scaled? Can they be assessed? I am haunted by these questions. All I know is that both these moments, and the others like them that make teaching such an addictive profession, are at the heart of what I call education. Real school. Any answers or theories of education that don’t at some level speak to this heart will not satisfy me.

Readiness is all."


Blogger Jane said...

This really brings out the teacher in me - and a few great memories as well. Thanks Nancy

7:52 AM  

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