Tuesday, June 13, 2006

First Monday June 2006

Earlier this week I blogged about Nature's experiment in peer review. I just clicked into this month's First Monday June 2006 edition and most of the articles are about open access journals. Lots of good stuff to look at and always worth a blog post to share the news.

This month's table of contents includes all the presentations at the recent First Monday conference. Sadly, not all of them are online. I hope that is only temporary!

olume 11, Number 6 — 5 June 2006

FM10 Openness: Code, Science, and Content:
Selected Papers from the First Monday Conference, 15–17 May 2006

Monday morning, 15 May 2006: Open journals

Tactical memory: The politics of openness in the construction of memory
by Sandra Braman

Open access publishing: A developing country view
by Jennifer I. Papin–Ramcharan and Richard A. Dawe

Accidental open access and the hazards involved: Preliminary experiences on Internet–based publishing in a Peruvian university
by Eduardo Villanueva

The value of openness in an attention economy
by Michael Goldhaber

Libraries, licensing and the challenge of stewardship
by Sharon Farb

Strategies for developing sustainable open access scholarly journals
by David J. Solomon

Effect of open access on African journals funding and sustainability
by Samuel Utulu

Monday afternoon, 15 May 2006: Open communities

Developing and sustaining volunteer–driven content
by Jimmy Wales

Managing risk and opportunity in Creative Commons enterprises
by Andrew Rens

Trust and Wikipedia:The roles of social capitals on participatory knowledge production
by Cathy Ma

Diversity, attention and symmetry in a many–to–many information society
by Philippe Aigrain

Selling the view, not the river
by Prayas Abhinav

The case for open markets in education
by Steve Midgley

Constructing a framework to enable an open source reinvention of journalism
by Leonard Witt

Digitizing more than organizational DNA
by Jonathan Riehl

Tuesday morning, 16 May 2006: Open science

Open science
by Tim Hubbard

FLOSS methods in biotechnology: Data, information and knowledge in context
by Andrea Glorioso

Investigating the “public” in the Public Library of Science: Gifting economics in the Internet community
by Charlotte Tschider

Variants of openness
by Felix Stalder

Openness in communication
by Jon Hoem

Conspicuous contributions: Social esteem in peer communities
by David Neice

Open access as a source for agricultural information for sustainable development in Indonesia
by Widharto

Rational sharing and its limits
by Wai–Yin Ng

Tuesday afternoon, 16 May 2006: On openness

Notions of openness
by Joseph Reagle

The fog of copyleft
by Aaron Krowne and Raymond Puzio

Openness, access to government information and Caribbean governance
by Fay Durrant

Given enough minds...: Bridging the ingenuity gap
by Hassan Masum and Mark Tovey

Aligning the ideals of free software and free knowledge with the South African Freedom Charter
by Bob Jolliffe

Ethical and economic issues surrounding freely available images found on the Web
by Eric Lease Morgan

Wednesday morning, 17 May 2006: Open source

How sustainable business forms around open software, and lessons for other media
by Brian Behlendorf

Patterns of sustained collaborative creativity across open computerization movements
by Walt Scacchi

Analysis of open source principles in diverse collaborative communities
by Jill Coffin

Free access to open content and the role of NGOs in the use and design of free software and open hardware in developing countries
by Vedran Vucic

Profiting from the commons: The open source paradigm in the software industry
by Andrea Bonaccorsi, Monica Merito, Lucia Piscitello, and Cristina Rossi

Creative Commons licenses and open content collaboration: Experience and observations from Creative Commons Taiwan
by Yi–hsuan Lin

Wednesday afternoon, 17 May 2006

Chicago Manifesto on Openness


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