Research on the Community Structure of Live Journal
Seems useful to note this report after just blogging about online blog based communities!
lj_research: LJ as a social network: "2d map of LJ users as a function of thermodynamic distance from doctor_livsy and future_visions
Recently I’ve conducted a study of LJ social network (the giant connected component mainly).
The results are all in this paper:
Pavel Zakharov, Thermodynamic approach for community discovering within the complex networks: LiveJournal study. e-print on physics/0602063.
The main findings are the following:
* LJ is indeed a scale free network with degree exponent surprisingly close to the exponent found for the network of sexual contacts.
* The average distance from one user to another is a little bit smaller than 6, as it was already predicted.
* The community structure (do not confuse with LJ community engine) is dominated by small (< 300 users) RPG cliques and one huge Russian-speaking cluster (220 thousands of users).
The procedure used for community discovering can be described the following way: we start by giving some amount of money to some user (initiator) in LJ network telling him to evenly distribute it among his friends, then
his friends are performing the same action among their friends and so on. Obviously, if these guys are the members of some clique it will not take too long until all of them have an equal amount of money (thanks to small-world property), meanwhile only some small part of the initial amount will leave this community. So the amount of money of a particular user defines his thermodynamic distance from the initiator.
If we have two initiators - we can plot the figure like the one shown here."
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