Taking a Tag Stream to the Next Level
In her NetSquared posting, NpTech Tag Finds: Some Excellent How-Tos, editor Beth Kanter gives a great example of how to use a tag stream. She monitored the tag, NPTech, then used it as a source for a posting on happenings in the tech/non profit intersection.
People sometimes ask me why follow a del.icio.us tag. I usually say "to research something or stay on top of what is happening around a topic." In other words, you are using the network to filter the gobs of stuff on the net.
Tags: nptech,, tagging,, delicious
He he ... good observation.
Also, I think it might be a chicken and egg thing. If you want to encourage people to contribute to improve the quality of knowledge floating by - then people need some sort of reward. Is link love enough?
And, I wonder for those aren't insane to have so many feeds in their readers, is a summary or content analysis of the tag stream weekly of value?
Well, make to screencast hell ...
that is back to screencast hell ..
been into heavy addoctopm pr ratjer experimentation with it.
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