Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Taking a Tag Stream to the Next Level

In her NetSquared posting, NpTech Tag Finds: Some Excellent How-Tos, editor Beth Kanter gives a great example of how to use a tag stream. She monitored the tag, NPTech, then used it as a source for a posting on happenings in the tech/non profit intersection.

People sometimes ask me why follow a tag. I usually say "to research something or stay on top of what is happening around a topic." In other words, you are using the network to filter the gobs of stuff on the net.

Tags: , ,


Anonymous Beth said...

He he ... good observation.

Also, I think it might be a chicken and egg thing. If you want to encourage people to contribute to improve the quality of knowledge floating by - then people need some sort of reward. Is link love enough?

And, I wonder for those aren't insane to have so many feeds in their readers, is a summary or content analysis of the tag stream weekly of value?

Well, make to screencast hell ...

4:46 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

that is back to screencast hell ..

been into heavy addoctopm pr ratjer experimentation with it.

4:47 PM  

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