Sunday, October 29, 2006

Linda Stone's Wiki on Continuous Partial Attention

As I am multitasking (not to be confused with CPA) I won't comment on this great resource, only point to it: Continuous Partial Attention).


Blogger Joitske Hulsebosch said...

Thanks, I must say I confuse the 2 too, but I understand CPA may also be while just talking but having your mind off to your phone?

Is there no relation though between the two? Multi-tasking is automatically CPA?

4:10 AM  
Anonymous linda said...

Thanks for the comments. I really see multi-tasking and continuous partial attention (cpa) as being different. Multi-tasking is motivated by wanting to be more productive and efficient. We do multiple things at once and typically, these things are more automatic -- tie your shoe, file papers, eat lunch -- talk on the phone while doing these things.... We do multiple things at one time in order to save time. With cpa, we are motivated by wanting to be a "live node on the network," not wanting to miss anything. This is more of a fight/flight, stressed way of using our attention.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Beth said...

Nancy: Multi-tasking is not bad. Reframe it as "rapid attention shifting" -- we had a whole discussion about this in Second Life. There is some research about this. Thanks for the pointer to this wiki.

Great to have you back!

5:58 PM  

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