Monday, October 09, 2006

OnlineGroups.Net (beta)

Dan Randow pinged me to alert me that his project, OnlineGroups.Net (beta) is now open for business. I've played with Dan's online collaboration tool, which is an elegant email/web hybrid for online groups and networks.

Check it out!


Anonymous Dan Randow said...

Thanks, Nancy. I'd be happy to offer anyone a guided tour of OnlineGroups.Net via Skype (my id is vonrandow).

6:45 PM  
Anonymous tuesday said...

is it free?

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Dan Randow said...

Trial groups are free and fees for larger groups start at US$5 per month. The benefit over free services is that there are no ads. You also get your groups on your own site. OnlineGroups.Net is based on the open source collaboration server GroupServer which is free.

5:18 PM  

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