It's Elementary - WEB 2.0 in the Elementary Classroom
Via Bronwyn Stuckey in Sydney, Australia, comes a pointer to this wonderful story from John Pearce, an Australian primary educator about his explorations with "web 2.0" tools. It's Elementary is a narrated slide show telling his story over a year, replete with links and examples. His thoughtfulness about his work, critical view and those small, useful hints are terrific! Just under 30 minutes - it kept my attention (which is really hard!) I'll admit, I was multitasking!
Here are some of John's URLS: - John's Science Teaching site his Suprglu page on science and ICTs his class's blog
Hi Nancy, did you see this over at Solution Watch? All about edublogging and school 2.0.
Andrew, thanks for reminding me of that series of posts on "Back to School With Web 2.0" - it's great!
Having looked at the presentation you point to I've decided that I'll send it to the head teacher of my son's school.
They say they're ICT friendly, but we'll see if they want to become Web 2.0 friendly.
Thanks for the link.
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