Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Community Indicator: Get Well Seymour!

Get Well Seymour! is an online card, created by the accumulation of signatures and wishes from people all of the world sent to Seymour Papert as he recovers from a serious accident. These little electronic traces, from people who know Professor Papert, those who know is work, or just feel compassion for him after his accident, compile on to the page, a visible indicator of a group of people with one thing in common: they care about Papert.

While not a community, the card is a great indicator of caring and engagement.



Anonymous Beth said...

I wrote about this .. there are a few other examples.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Frances said...

Have you seen the virtual bunch of flowers on flickr.com?

2:54 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Yes, the flowers are wonderful. I added some a while back and then promptly forgot about it. Beth, your examples are great too. It is this collective view of our interest or caring that captivates me!

10:22 AM  

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