Sunday, January 14, 2007

Education Technology Recommendations - Your Favorite Resources?

I'm writing an article on technology stewardship in K-12 education. It is a practical, nuts and bolts sort of thing that a friend asked me to contribute to a journal. As I write, I am constantly reminded that I live on the fringe of ed tech, not in the middle.

I'd like to ask all my friends and network connections who are more towards the center of that community to share your favorite educational technology resources, particularly those for teachers and staff in K-12 schools. I'm not looking for the laundry list of geekiness, but solid stuff that is at work beyond the geeky early adopters.

What is your favorite ed tech community of practice? Edubloggers? (I'll be pointing to the Edublog awards as well) What tools have you seen put most productively and easily into action in schools? Your favorite tags about educational technology?

Pointers of any kind would be appreciated! The more practical and aimed at second wave adopters, the better! Thanks in advance.


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