Monday, January 01, 2007

Floyd Makes Me Wonder About Digital Natives

Floyd did an experiment with new technologies with his 8th graders and has a thoughtful post. One bit really caught my eye and I wanted to flag it. Blue Guy's Blog: Musings on What I've learned in 60 days:
"My eighth graders are mostly 'digital savages', even though they have grown up with the technology, they do not have exposure to using technology beyond the basics, either because of economics at home, being newcomers to the US, or some other reason. Because of this they are still Web1.0 consumers, not Web2.0. They really have to have things explained, not just the purpose for using a program, but the way they use it. Programs they have used before several times are not a problem, they jump into it and function well, but anything new I have to drop down into first gear and really plan everything out."
I often wonder about the vast assumptions we make about people. ;-) Me included!


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