Sunday, February 18, 2007

Daylight Saving Time transitions in 2007 (1 of 2)

For those of us who do international synchronous online stuff, March has a few tricks. Not only do we have all the time changes we have become accustomed to, the US is moving to daylight savings time a few weeks before the EU. So for a few weeks we have to adjust our calculations. If you need some information on what country changes when in 2007, check out Daylight Saving Time transitions in 2007 (1 of 2)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1). For your Windows machines, use the tool available at Don't forget that any MS Exchange/Outlook patching that you need to do must be timed tightly with your Windows server AND client operating system patching.
2). All versions Java are a potential problem, as are many commonly employed Microsoft products. To quickly get your head around which software in your environment might require attention, navigate to and click on Daylight Saving Time.

9:54 PM  

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