Updating My Online Facilitation Workshop - Feedback Wanted
The last time I ran my "Facilitating Online Interactions" workshop was the first quarter of 2006. I've gone silent since then because I think the world has changed and my workshop has not quite kept pace. I had good intentions for a redesign, but instead I just kept stuffing more into it. Finally, I stopped running it, feeling that I was not doing anyone any service with the old format.
So now, urged on by a few people who really want to take the workshop, I am working on the redesign. I am sharing it here first, asking for your feedback. For those of you interested in participating, I'm thinking about starting the first module on March 12. Email me and I'll keep you posted (nancyw at fullcirc dot com). If you express interest in a comment, make sure the link to you has contact info or leave your email.
First, the format will remain all online.
Second, it will no longer be "three active weeks over five weeks" but instead broken down into two main modules and a series of monthly thematic sessions. Most of the thematic sessions will be syncrhonous, but maybe a mix. I'm still noodling on that.
The Modules:
Module 1: Basic Online Facilitation - 2 weeks
This module still rests on much of the same material I have been using since 1998 and it builds on classic facilitation knowledge and applies it in the online environment. It will cover the basics of all of these areas EXCEPT design, which will move to the second module. A couple of the items in the image will be combined.
The bits are:
FACILITATION PROCESS #6: Harvesting, Weaving and Creating Summaries
Module 2: Facilitation and Technology - 2 weeks
This section will address the diversity of options for designing and facilitating across a range of technologies. This is where all the "web 2.0" stuff will come in, the basics of the tool landscape, working with technology stewards and of course, the ever present awareness of the tensions of working in a technologically mediated environment. We'll survey the range of tools, experiment with them and use them for this segment. Learn/Do/Reflect will be the mode of learning with an emphasis on mentors working with workshop participants.
Theme Segments (I need a better name) - Either 90 minute synchronous session or combined with 2-3 days of asnch.
I'm thinking of offering these as either part of the workshop package, or people can subscribe to them individually. Alumni of past workshops are always welcomed for free. Know that some of you alumni will be asked to help lead and facilitate these sessions.
These sessions are intended to dive into a particular aspect of either a facilitation or technology related issue. Guests will be brought in. Non workshop participants will be charged a modest fee and some portion of that fee will be paid to the guest. I have to figure out the mechanics. I'm not looking forward to the bookkeeping part of it. Some ideas for the theme segments include:
I would schedule at least one of these each month.
So, what do you think? What do you like? What is missing? What should be cut? I'd really appreciate your feedback.
Thanks for opening up the production process that is what I am very interest. I'd like to know, how much time should one budget broken down by ratio for the this type presentation. When I did physical facilitation I figured 3 to 4 hours of prep to every hour of meeting. Does this type ratio work in this space? Then I am very interest in using social networking (profiles, rss, blogs, groups in a closed or open application under a community banner) as a sort of ongoing facilitated community. So, will use or discuss such?
Thanks again.
Hi, sounds good to me... It makes sense to keep a basis in module 1.
It may be hard in module 2 when you have people with little experience with web2.0 tools and people with lots of experience?
Though we have an on and off schedule, I don't like it because for one week you are really out of it. The danger of people going back to normal life is too high I think... What's your experience? Joitske
Hi Nancy
I think that I am missing something on how this would work. So you have a 2 week session where you focused on the basics of facilitation followed by a 2 week session on facilitation and technology. These modules would then be followed by
monthly thematic sessions which might be opened up to non workshop participants. Is that right? I think that I need more clarity here to comment.
I find it interesting that Joiske notes that the one week on, one week off modality doesn't work for her. My gut reaction was that would be the best way to do run the workshop but then I thought about it for a minute. In the limited number of online workshops/events in which I have taken part, I remember being much more engaged in those that are continuous. It could have been because of my interest in the workshop topic. I am wondering if there is really a 'better' way to run the workshop and think that it might be one of those 'different strokes for different folks' kind of things.
I like the combination of modules and theme segments (which to me sound like kind of 'lunch and learn' sessions that I would like to attend). I shared your blog with some colleagues in Africa and one comment received was that the synchronous aspect would be difficult. I asked what made it difficult for them but haven't yet got a reply - will let you know when/if I know. One idea that comes to mind is to run these more like peer assist where one participant or alumni has a problem related to facilitation and it serves as the basis for discussion. Just a thought.
Nancy, my immediate thought is that there is too much!
I also had a radical thought about your course. It's based on the idea of learning to become a hairdresser. You learn to become a haridresser by being a hairdresser with an expert hairdresser watching and advising.
My idea would be to set up a group who was prepared to be the "model" for facilitators to practice with. When you are a model for an apprentice haridresser, you pay less or nothing. So your "models" would get the facilitation course for a fraction of the price (or nothing) and the facilitators of your course would have a real context in which to practice and consider the issues.
When I learned to be a teacher of English as a Foreign Language we had classes in the morning and gave classes in a language school in the afternoon, with our peers and teachers observing us. It was a very powerful learning experience.
Nancy, firstly I want to say that having attended one of your sessions, I am very happy you have decided to run this again. As I learned a lot from you and from the community, I am interested in helping in any way I can.
I like the modules as you described. I am a little confused as to the overall time each section will be (as a visual learner, I need to see things layed out a bit).
Additional items that may be useful to include: updated definitions that include the web 2.0 and social software applications, various websites to show as points of reference, perhaps some recent readings or references to show where things are, lists of conferences and the like that fit in with elements of online facilitation, and perhaps examples of companies that have positions in online community development or outward or inward-facing corporate blogs.
You are very ambitious to plan for this to begin in March, and perhaps if you have a small team of assistants then there can be some further fleshing out of these ideas?
Once again, let me know what I can help and participate with.
Thanks all, for the feedback. I am starting to do the next iteration. The launch will be May 12th!
The hardest thing is to balance between the amazing possibility and finding a way to make this sustainable in my life.
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