Monday, February 26, 2007

Visual Memories of Northern Voice 2007

Northern Voice 2007
Originally uploaded by kk+.
There were LOTS of pictures taken at Northern Voice this year. One friend mentioned the amount of high end photo gear was way up from last year. I saw a small bank's worth. As a result, there are lots of pictures to play with, many quite bloggable.

Kris Krug (kk+ on Flickr) is always sure to bring warm people pictures. I also enjoyed the pictures of Rachael Ashe and her very imaginative Dyptichs. Rachel's images paired the picture of a person with the tool or technology they were using. With all my muddling about technology stewardship, these pictures really visualized the relationship we have wit technology in a very human way. I loved them. Here is the one Rachael too of me (posted with permission).

Finally, the last set I'm enjoying is of the "human graphing" we did in Zach's Moosecamp session, trying to visualize ourselves as bloggers. These photos are the artifacts of the experience Zach invited us into, to have a conversation about who we are as bloggers. I love how people have now gone in and added notes and comments to explain the work. I hope he does more work like this and I certainly have thought about doing more of it myself.

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Blogger Gene said...


5:10 PM  
Blogger Gene said...

As always Nancy your presentation gave much food for thought. Your "technology stewardship" concept is one that could be discussed for a long time. Well we have another year to move on this topic until next year. Glad to see you again.

5:12 PM  

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