Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Checking In from Bowling Green, Ohio

I'm sitting in the lobby of the Bowling Green Best Western, sipping on free wifi. It is 11:15 EDT and I need to switch time zones and go to bed. Tomorrow we start the pre-sessions and more planning meetings for the Nexus for Change gathering which starts tomorrow night and runs through Friday. 320 people who are interested and passionate about whole systems changes. People I have read, learned from reading their work and many known from afar, all in one room. I am ready to have my mind blown! I will be doing some graphic facilitation and some technical stuff, as well as being a participant.

But I have been so blog-quiet, I felt the need to make a little post. A sign of life. I have been pretty darn busy. I'll be blogging a bit but if you are interested in whole systems change, go to the Nexus site and click on "Conference Central" or follow the tag nexusforchange.



Anonymous Jeffrey Keefer said...

Nancy, welcome back to the blogoshere!

Nexus for Change looks like a great conference. How did you hear about it, and what are you hoping to get out of it? No matter how connected I get, I always feel there is more out there to learn about and in which to participate. Never have time to get bored!

10:27 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Jeffrey, I was pulled into the design team last, um, July. So this has been an ongoing group design process via telephone with, at times, up to 40 people. Pretty amazing. Time to head over to the meeting place for a set up meeting!

6:08 AM  

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