Thursday, August 23, 2007

Don't Underestimate Your Reach - 12,435 views

I was adjusting a tag on one of my slide sets on and started looking at how many times each set has been viewed. As of today, 18 slide sets have a cumulative view count of 13,435 views. Choconancy's Slideshows.

Are you KIDDING ME? 10 years ago if I shared a slide set it would have been with 20 people at a meeting. Now I have no way of knowing if each 'view' was a meaningful experience for the viewer. Did the slides make sense? Did they look at more than one? Still, 13,000 plus is mind boggling. Our reach today with online tools is potentially enormous. Even with the competition for attention in the giant river of data, we have a broader voice.

When I posted earlier today about the words we send out to the world, I had not thought about scale. After reviewing the Slideshare numbers, it becomes very concrete. It makes me worry about the dreck that I also publish. Ah, the pressure, eh?


Blogger Rashmi said...

Clearly its not dreck :-) There are lots of slideshows on SlideShare with hardly any views at all. Its a long tail distribution, and yours seems to be in the head!

What's more interesting is being able to better track where those views are coming from. We just started tracking where the embeds are floating around the web, but there is lots more to be done I am sure...

5:03 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Thanks, Rashmi - I look forward to knowing where the decks are being embedded. You can do that now with the video translation site whose name is (embarrassingly) eluding me at the moment. It is very cool.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do it now on slideshare.

6:35 PM  

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