Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Guys with big huge skewers of beef

And yes, I am talking about food! I was delighted to check out the ClueUnit's pod cast on community and food. I loved the line one of the ClueUnit guy's uttered about Brazilian BBQ joints about how they serve food, thus inspiring this post's headlines. Clue Unit #23 - Communities and Food - August 10. 2007 affirms what I've known forever - that eating community is a strong community indicator, a way to bridge across all kinds of divides. It is both symbolic and practical, keeping our body's charged both physically and emotionally. Take a listen!

This reminds me I need to post my Bogota notes, because the food theme continues there. I'm ramping back into a blogging routine! Maybe I should save that one for tomorrow!


Anonymous Denise said...

Oh thank goodness 'cause for a minute I thought you had decided to be a sex blogger while you were away.


3:53 PM  
Blogger Dave Burke said...

I can't beat Denise's comment, but that's a great reminder about eating communities being stronger communities.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Carla Arena said...

Dear Nancy,

Being a Brazilian, I know exactly what you mean!

You even inspired me to talk about barbecue in Brazil!

9:55 AM  

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