Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sacred Bovine - My Friends are CONNECTED!

I was doing a little roaming on facebook and Jim Benson had this 'friendship wheel' app so I decided to try it out. Mamma mia. You can see mine here (I think - I have not checked out how it deals with permissions, etc.) Friend Wheel for Nancy White - Facebook Friend Relationships.

The screenshot is not as useful, but here it is just to get a sense. But what I learned from this image is that the people I am connected to via Facebook are VERY connected people.

Do connected people attract/relate more often to other connected people or is this just an artifact of our mutual Facebook experimentation?


Blogger Vahid said...

I think that the very nature of Social Networks (if that's what Facebook is) makes us drag our friends into it (and few of us want to be left out), and that Facebook is particularly good at making explicit the links between people and actually encouraging them. Older sites just didn't care/have the time/couldn't envision what those links where.

It is quite different from the "communities" where the lowest common denominator is the interest we have in whatever the community deals with.

The interesting feeling i'm getting with Facebook is that i am tracking my IRL friends, and that i can now see how they relate to each other (or not). I am thus mapping my current social network with a virtual tool.

The next step, where i think Facebook is DESTINED to grow, is becoming "useful".

Creating instant groups + events + sharing pictures & videos is so simple, instantaneous and hot that i can see Facebook is crying out loud for some team collaboration tools. Instant task forces for whatever activity could be created and vanish or evolve into solid teams that "do stuff".

1:15 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Great observation, Vahid. What kind of team or collaboration tools would you like to see? Or hooks between existing tools and the FB interface? (And thanks to the link to the other network visualization tool you left in my FB page!)

2:42 PM  

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