Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Seattlites: Upcoming Course on Information Dynamics

My friend Bill Harris alerted me to a course he will be leading this winter at the University of Washington:
Making Sense With Facilitated Systems: Information Dynamics: IMT 586

Information Dynamics: IMT 586

Have you ever wondered ...
  • what causes some ideas, products, and companies to become fads that peak and die, while others have staying power?

  • why there are business cycles?

  • what causes some diseases to become epidemics and others to subside with little effect?

  • why real change often takes so long?

  • the role information plays in the answer to each of these questions?

Would you like to learn to answer these and other such questions
yourself? Are you a student at the University of Washington, or do you live within commuting distance?

Then sign up for the Information School's IMT 586, Information Dynamics I, in the Winter Quarter 2008. I look forward to seeing some of you there.


Blogger LeeJ said...

Hi Nancy

It's been a while. I just did a search on Information dynamics and hit this post. Small world.

I am playing with the idea of information dynamics as the basis of my new consulting practice. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Lee White (the one that is not your cousin) :-)

8:52 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Hey, Lee, you should talk to Bill Harris!

3:07 PM  

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