From the Archives: 50 reasons not to change

50 reasons not to change « Biocultural Science & Management MP Bumsted, Biocultural Science & Management. Simply too good not to share. That said, recognizing our reasons not to change gives us insight on how to change. With today’s messed up politics in the US, this is needed. 

Hattip to Jack Vinson

4 thoughts on “From the Archives: 50 reasons not to change”

  1. For years I used a slide I called ’50 Shades Of No’, listing the various reasons I heard used for not wanting to publish open government data. I had it in Dutch, English and even in Russian, and it always drew laughs and recognition. There’s an obvious overlap with the list you show. I also found that in the case of open data the various forms of ‘no’ melted away or were answerable when aiming to solve a specific case, and staying away from the generic need for change. The smaller cases and results in aggregate would gradually erode the generic no’s, until the point where all no-sayers were saying they had been yes-sayers all along. The path provided enough room and time to allow such shifts in position with nobody noticing themselves they actually shifted.

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