I was browsing around the site of a very interesting conference to be held in Australia, Show Me The Change, and I noticed a number of people I respect and follow were involved. No wonder – the site was engaging, inviting. If I were in Australia, I’d go. Here is a bit about the gathering:
A National Conference on ‘Evaluation of Behaviour Change’ for Sustainability
We all know that behaviour change is complex. How do we show what’s working and how do we evaluate it? You are invited to participate in Show Me The Change and explore what matters most to you. You can take part in the ongoing conversations here, on our Show Me The Change blog. We’d love to hear your ideas and your comments. If you’re a Twitter user, please use the hashtag #smtc for your posts there.
I can’t believe I’m actually enjoying wandering through a conference site. Thanks Johnnie, Viv, Bob, Anne, Andrew, Geoff, and Chris .
Then I remembered I had a blog draft noting something that Chris (as in Corrigan) had written waaaay back in September of 09. Time to dig it up.Why not mash up evaluation and leadership? In truth, I think they have a lot to do with each other – at least participatory leadership does.
If you are interested in leadership, go take a look at the post — too much good stuff to just tease you with a quote!
Chris Corrigan » Describing participatory leadership
How do you explain participatory leadership in one sentence?