Yesterday kicked off the first of my Australian workshops and events with a morning on Technology Stewardship, and afternoon on Visual Facilitation then 2 rousing hours drawing on walls with the NSW KM Forum and the Sydney Facilitators Network.
I don’t have all the slides up yet (Wednesday!), but you can see the first blog post from Bernadette Harris of Harris Bromley. I loved how she connected many of the community concepts to her work in leadership.
In the afternoon we explored the purpose and some of the basic practices of visual facilitation and the role of visuals in our work online and offline. I love watching people play with paper, pens and chalk and seeing the beautiful things they create appear in minutes. This was echoed again in the evening when nearly 45 people crammed the walls at UTS taking turns bringing line, shape, iconography and color into the room. The images were stunning (see them here.) Visual, if nothing else, add beauty and joy which is reward enough for me!
It is not (yet) too late to join us in Sydney today for the intro and advanced online community workshops!