The social media I use

intersections and configurationsRecently I wrote a post that received a lot of attention – more than I would have expected: How I use social media. At the end of the post, I promised to write about WHAT social media I currently use. So here it is.

I tend to think of the constellation of tools a person uses as their configuration of tools. It is both what they use, how they use them, and how they fill the range of needs as a whole.  I have saved a few delicious tags about individuals’ technology configurations  (DEAD LINK, BuhBuy if you want to browse with they use.

I started making a list of all the social media I use.  I realized there is an important distinction between the media I use regularly, and the media I try, dabble and experiment with. Part of my work requires me to do a lot of experimentation, so I have accounts on scores of social media sites – more that are forgotten than are used. So I want to focus on the tools I use regularly, the tools that make a difference in my work.  Now some of you may say a few of these don’t qualify as “social media” – old school things like email. I’m including them because I think social media predates the label. 😉

I also wondered if it would be worth organizing them in the categories of “use” I used in the previous post. This would clearly create duplicates, so I resisted that impulse. There would have been too much tool duplication across each of these:

  • Learning
  • Getting work done
  • Finding and connecting with people
  • Getting stuff (search, content, etc.)
  • Exploring and pushing my own boundaries

So here are the tools.

  • Email
    • Eudora (business, family and close friends) – Eudora was my first email program and you know how it is, you get used to something. Eudora is no longer a paid product, now Open Source. I am not an Outlook fan. What can I say?
    • Gmail (two accounts, one to back up my Fullcirc email and one for everything I don’t want in my main in box.) I considered moving all my email to Gmail but decided I don’t want all my eggs in one basket. However, most of my email lists and social media accounts use Gmail so I can keep my other inbox manageable. This has made a BIG difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of my email practice.
    • I still have a Yahoo mail account and perhaps a hotmail account… who knows?
    • Old fashioned web access from my ISP for when nothing else works (always have a back up) – When you depend on email and the internet, you want more than one way in. I also still have a dialup service I can use on a per minute basis but knock on wood, I have not used it in years.
  • Browsers
    • Firefox – my day to day browser, but I have weeks where I trip on over to Chrome. I haven’t opened up IE in months.
    • Chrome – because I can…
  • Blogging
    • Word Press plus plugins – A friend (thanks Jon!) helped me set this up and I have been very very happy.
    • (I used to use Blogger). I left Blogger unhappy. I hosted my own blog and had mountains of FTP problems, and from the forums, I was not alone. Never got a stitch of help from Blogger. That was the end of what once was a happy relationship.
  • Microblogging
    • Twitter – I want to look into because I’m getting more and more convinced that decentralized apps are the way to go if you want resiliance.
    • Twhirl as a Twitter desktop client because I find Twitter on the web tiresome.
    • Tweetdeck when juggling Tweets at events, hashtags. Otherwise it is too much and it hogs a lot of resources on my older desktop computer.
  • IM and VoIP
    • Skype (chat function might be listed as a tool unto itself. I’ve abandoned MSN and AOLIM.) What would I do without Skype? I work with people all over the world. The free VoIP, the presence indicators, the chat, file transfer, etc. –> central application for me, second only to email.
    • VOIP phone service with a web interface provided by my ISP. I can pick up my voicemail via the net or via email, transfer calls away from home etc. I also get unlimited long distance in North America and certain European cities, but I still use Skype.
    • HighDef Conferencing (paid service) for large audio meetings because it scales well and allows entry by both Skype and telephone and has some local numbers in other countries. I have global networks and groups!
  • Chat
    • Skype
    • Etherpad but I sure wish you could have more than 8 people on at a time or that they had a paid hosted service. It is a sweet combo of real time wiki and chat room that pairs great with a Skype call or telecon.
    • IRC (yeah, still IRC!)
    • Google Talk sometimes
  • Co-writing & Publishing
    • Google Docs has become my primary shared writing and spread sheet space. I need to try Zoho ! (See here for more alternatives. I don’t know about you, but I get worried when I rely too much on one company. So much for integration, eh?)
    • Wikispaces and other wikis, including MediaWiki. I am a wikispaces fan girl for sure! Easy to use. I also like PB wiki, now called PB Works
    • Etherpad (also for chat during audio calls)
  • Live meeting tools (Often I don’t have a say in what is used.)
    • Elluminate – a paid service, but worth it when there is budget. You can get a free 3 person room to try it out. I like it because you can devolve controls way out to participants and have multiple moderators. WebEx and Live Meeting— take note! I am floored the MS Livemeeting does not have integrated participant chat.  You can only chat with the moderators. I am not into top down controlled  online meetings, thanyouverymuch!
    • Dim Dim (I’ve only used the free version)
    • Vyew – free, visually a bit messy, but works well for small groups.
    • Adobe Connect – quite a few of my clients use this, especially in the academic realm. I’ve never managed it, but it was a pleasant experience using it.
  • Images
    • Flickr (including third party Flickr toys) – I love flickr. I love the ease of posting my pics, of finding  creative commons pictures to use from other Flickrites and the general sense of camaraderie that emerges around images. Damn cool!
    • Picassa and Picassa web albums – I manage and edit photos with the desktop application and then use Picassa when I want to easily, more privately share pictures. I use this a lot with my clients.
    • Picnik and Snagit (hm, where does the line between software application and social media sit?) for capture and editing.
  • Aggregating
    Because I don’t want to use just one integrated set of tools and because setting content free and making it useful to others are two core practices of mine, tools that make it easy to syndicate and aggregate are essential. Even if I never fully understand how they work! These all leverage RSS.

    • Bloglines
      – where I subscribe to and read blogs. Alas, I’m spending less time reading. Where does the time go?
    • iGoogle – nice as a start page, especially for when I’m on the road.
    • Netvibes – another nice start page tool that I am using less since iGoogle. I’m fickle.
    • Feedburner – to help manage the feeds FROM my blog.
  • Conversational, content management  and “Learning” platforms
    This is a very messy lump from a technology standpoint. It used to be that online events and work spaces were very tidily held within one application. Then these tools were stand alone and indispensable. Now it seems I use part of them – the part that works well – and I often ignore the rest. For example, WebCrossing has a fabulous email interface for when I need web based discussions that can be used offline for low bandwidth settings. The rest I can ignore. Moodle, while pretty visually ugly, is easy to set up and is fabulously open source, as is Drupal.  And despite rumors to the contrary, email lists are alive and well and in fact critical in low bandwidth settings.

    • Moodle – open source “learning management system” but I use it simply as a collaboration space. Please, someone tell them to improve their blog structure!
    • Webcrossing – known fondly by some of us oldtimers as the cockroach of online conferencing as it just doesn’t die.
    • Drupal – powerful open source content management system. Know what you are getting into and it can do a lot, or use specific pre-configured packages such as the Social Media Classroom.
    • Yahoogroups – oldie but a gooie.
    • Googlegroups
      – my more technical groups prefer this over Yahoogroups and I can’t seem to figure out why, but it is consistent feedback.
  • Bookmarking
    I am a bookmarking addict and to be frank, I’m not sure why. I think I’m afraid I’m going to miss or forget something, but truth be told, I don’t use my bookmarks once I’ve created them!

    • Delicious
    • Diigo – I particularly like that you can bookmark on Diigo and set it to automatically add the bookmark to delicious. However, I use it less because it appears to be down more than delicious.
  • Video
    I don’t use video much – nor as much as I might like to. I get content on Youtube but prefer posting on Blip.

  • Music
  • Filesharing
  • Social Network  Sites
    • Ning – not so much that I would choose it, but many of the groups and networks I belong to have chosen it. I specifically dislike the content-empty email alerts. You have to click in, sign in and then find out the message wasn’t of interest. Ick. Also, there should be more ability to link between Ning communities, IMHO.
    • Facebook – more because many people in my life use it centrally and if I want to be connected to them, I have to play the game. Otherwise I would probably avoid it.
    • LinkedIn – I use it again because peers I care about do. I think I’m pretty well linked in already! 🙂
  • Mindmapping
  • Other Stuff
    • Carbonite back up (I include it because I learned about it from my network!AVG Anti virus would fall into the same bucket. I have both a local and online backup. Yup, back it up friends, back it UP! If
    • Google translate (used to use Babelfish)
    • Wordle because it is visually fun and easy to make tag clouds. It is a lazy way of making discussion summaries as well. Shhhh… don’t tell!

What is YOUR configuration? If you are a technology steward for a community, how does your personal configuration inform the configuration of the community?

Raising the Bar on Online Event Practices

Alan Levine wrote a deliciously provocative post on last month that I’ve been meaning to comment upon, Five Ways to Run a Deadly Online Seminar . When I read it, my head was bobbing in agreement and recommendations.

Alan shares 5 deadly things. I’d like to re-frame and talk about the skills we should be cultivating and the technology we MUST demand. It has been a while since I wrote about synchronous online facilitation is a focused way.  Plus, I guess this is a natural follow on to this week’s rants on Skills for Learning Professionals and Knowledge Workers (Part 1, part 2, part 3).

First a brief recap of Alan’s 5 “no-no’s.”

  • Make it hard to even get inside. (inside the online meeting room)
  • Don’t let your participants know who else is there. (mask or don’t show attendee list)
  • Make it hard or impossible for the audience to communicate with each other. (no shared chat room)
  • Don’t greet the audience or make them feel welcome.
  • Ignore your audience, make ‘em wait til you fill the hour with your voice, do not involve them at all.

Alan also mentioned Jonathan Finkelstein’s Learning in Real Time (book and web site) and Jon’s mad skills .  Spot on, CogDog!

First of all, let us NOT take our bad meeting and event habits from offline and simply dump them online.  If we start by making better meetings and events, our online events will benefit. By better I mean more participatory, with attention to both the purpose of the gathering and the process.

Before I get into some suggestions, let me offer a tip when you raise the issue of improving meetings and someone says “our meetings are great!” Is this the person who always talks? Who dominates conversations? Who controls the agenda? If so, ask the  people who have to experience this person’s meetings. Often decision makers think everything is just fine because the meeting meets THEIR needs. Look beyond!

Now, suggestions.

  • Focus attention: Synchronous events can provide a heartbeat for an ongoing community, group or network. We put them on our agenda instead of saying “I’ll do that later” and they focus our attention.
  • Design appropriate process: Think about your process design options. World Cafe’s online? Breakouts so more than one or two people can speak. Back channel chat to engage more than audio channels. Turn taking. Breaking presentations down into 7-10 minute segments alternated with interactive periods to maintain engagement. If you have a task to do, consider what steps are needed and design them into the process. Lots of items? Have an agenda.
  • Interact: Content can be compelling, but if you have people’s attention, why not focus on interaction and conversation and save the pushing of content for asynchronous. The exception is when the content is so compellingly delivered that it becomes entertainment. (And I don’t mean that in a trivial way. I mean it in the sense that the presenter so engages us, we are truly listening and captivated.)
  • Facilitate!: Don’t let passive disasters happen. If no one else is stepping up to make your meetings better, take the lead.
    • Heike Phipps doesn’t sit back and let the five bad things happen. She is an active online event designer, facilitator and technology steward.  For a Learntec Event this spring, she decided to experiment with a F2F presentation technique called Pecha Kucha, but ONLINE. She asked for volunteers. I didn’t have any slide decks to run with, so I said, you give me your slides and I’ll invent the narrative. Heike didn’t blink and said yes. On the fly, we created something fun, engaging and on-topic for the learning at hand.
    • Jennifer and her team at WebJunction are great role models. They hosted me last month and wow, what a great job they did. They had a technical host (Libraryguy), an overall host and someone to do live closed captioning to enable those with no access to audio or with hearing impairments to participate in the webinar. Pretty cool!
    • Webheads in Action Online Unconference also showed some creative and very participative chops when they hosted me in June as well. They didn’t wait to be asked to join in the chat – they were chatting, peppering me with questions and generally haveing a good time. Frankly, I think they would have been fine without speakers, they had such a good set of practices to engage with each other!
    • Welcome people as they arrive – simple! Thank them at the end, not just the “presenters.” Simple!
    • Encourage people to welcome each other and move away from a hub/spoke form of interaction. Chat rooms are great for this. Encourage facilitative practices from everyone, not just the facilitator.
    • See more synchronous facilitation examples here.
  • Technologically prepared: Tools can make ya or break ya.
    • The fabulous team at BGSU, hosting the BIG CHANGE Webinar Series, have been trying to find an affordable tool for their events. For the one we did in April, we experienced the snags of a platform with limited interactivity.  This made us work twice as hard.
    • If you must use a less than useful platform, practice a lot and keep your design simple. For more in depth use of  tools, build the group’s capacity to do this over a series of meetings.
    • Design simple, topic related activities that help people learn the tools rather than “telling them” how to use them. We don’t usually remember what we were told at the top of the meeting until we USE the tools in question.
  • Practice, practice practice: Regular meetings build both organizer, presenter and participant skills for making the most out of online events.
    • Last year George Siemens and Stephen Downe’s CCK08 “uncourse” included weekly webinars. I was a guest one week and I was impressed at the engagement practices of the PARTICIPANTS. Lisa Lane reflected on some of the live meeting practices in her overall review of the experience.
    • Leigh Blackall also provided the participants in his online facilitation workshop a chance to design and practice their online event chops with a series of synchronous and asynchronous events.
  • Go visual! Engage the visual senses with shared white boards, pictures instead of miles of bullet pointed slides, video segments and visits to compelling websites using application sharing tools.
  • Blend: Tony Karrer and friends have been offering a range of synchronous events from hour long to multiple day blended synch/asynch events and are building a set of practices.
  • Build on established practices: Telephone skills are a great base for webinar skills. Who are the phone conference call pros in your organization? What are their tips?

What would you add?

World Cafe Multilingual Report Out

worldcafetweetsLast month I was facilitating a World Cafe session for an international development organization in Rome (IFAD). The participants spoke French, English, Portuguese and Spanish. Some were monolingual, others were multilingual. For plenary sessions we had simultaneous translation, but for breakouts and World Cafe conversations, we had to rely on each other. Multilingual folks tried to fan out across the groups.

I was worried about the report outs and had posed a question on Twitter asking what other folks had done. One suggestion (from ) was to have the groups put their report outs on cards with the translations in the two dominant languages (French and English in this case). It worked! This is also a great example of just in time help from one’s network.

Here is our report out wall.

World Cafe Multilingual Report Out
World Cafe Multilingual Report Out

George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior

George WashingtonThis is worth a quick quote and a pointer to George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior from Foundations Magazine

Today many, if not all of these rules, sound a little fussy if not downright silly. It would be easy to dismiss them as outdated and appropriate to a time of powdered wigs and quills, but they reflect a focus that is increasingly difficult to find. They all have in common a focus on other people rather than the narrow focus of our own self-interests that we find so prevalent today. Fussy or not, they represent more than just manners. They are the small sacrifices that we should all be willing to make for the good of all and the sake of living together.These rules proclaim our respect for others and in turn give us the gift of self-respect and heightened self-esteem.

When I wrote about communities and networks, I mentioned about giving up a bit of the “me” in service of the “we.” I think this is related. Click into the link and read the rules. I bet at least some of them will resonate for you.

Communities, networks and what sits in between

Last month in Rome Robin Good took me to a park, put me in a funny little bicycle car and we drove around the park recording our conversations. Robin asked me about the differences between communities and networks and this 3 minute recording captures my views. Nice job, Robin! I continue to be focused on the space between communities and networks, thinking that this is the sweet spot for so many things people are trying to do. Maybe you AREN’T looking for a community, eh?

Online Community Building Strategy: Nancy White On Networks, Groups and Technology Choices