Bathrooms, Blogs and Sister-in-Laws

Sometimes I think the rest of my family believes I’m this crazy alien who lives an odd, online life. My son used to tell Skip to the Loohis friends I my job was to overthrow small countries. It was easier than explaining what I do. So it was with joy to see my sister in law, Linda Wright, take the plunge and create an online adjunct to her new book, Skip to the Loo| Build Business with Better Bathrooms.

Wait, you say… better bathrooms build business? Well if you are a retail business with female customers, Linda has made the case that yes, it does. And she has written a readable, full-of-practical-suggestions book that you can pick up today and create results tomorrow. You can buy it here.

Linda (with the help, I understand, of my bro, Randy) have created a companion site with a blog, pictures of “stalls of fame and shame,” “potty talk” discussions, downloads of tools offered in the book, as well as information about Linda and the book. It is pretty sweet! (It looks like Drupal. Am I right?)

As is my practice, I welcome Linda to the Blogosphere. I’m going to tickle a few of my blog friends who might find Linda’s work of interest. Christopher Carfi do ya appreciate Linda’s focus on customer relationships? Toby Bloomberg at Diva Marketing, what do you think from the “marketing to women” perspective? Elana, there has to be a humor angle here?

Social Network Analysis – KM4DevWiki

I love the KM4Dev community – it is one of my “homes.” Over the last 10 days there was a great thread on the email list about social network analysis tools. The community came up with great suggestions and one of our members, Nynke Kruiderink, created a summary on our community wiki. Social Network Analysis – KM4DevWiki. Nynke noted in her email to the list about the new page that she has found it helpful to have past summaries on the wiki, so she created this one as a gift back.

Marie Crossing

Marie Crossing

Originally uploaded by Choconancy1

I learned yesterday that one of my wonderful online friends, Marie Jasinski of Australia passed away. I feel like I have known Marie for most of my online life, probably coming into contact around 1999 or 2000. She amazed me with her natural facilitation gifts, her curiosity to move beyond the “same old same old” and her innovation with games as a central part of learning and being together, especially online.

In 2006 I got to meet Marie F2F in her hometown of Adelaid. We got to go out to dinner and have a “girlfriends” night out. We talked about our work, our lives and of course, about food. On the way to dinner, I took this picture of Marie, mid street, mid sentence. I entitled it “Marie Crossing.”

Now Marie has crossed out of our physical world. Her light and energy, her insistence on pushing our learning forward, her love for the people around her will leave a big hole in our worlds, online and offline.

Marie, thank you for everything you brought into my life and into my worlds. Marty, and all of Marie’s closest, I’m sending massive love beams to see you through this crossing.

Update Jan 24 – More memories, a wiki to share your thoughts and see the comment below for an online memorial gathering tonight 9pm PST for those of us in the nothern hemisphere.

Reflections on Our “Drawing Together” Session

Argh, I have been wanting to finish this blog post. Work is crazy, so I can’t be as complete as I’d like to be, but I have to get this out. There is so much incubation going on in my head about visuals, and not enough time to release it all into the wild!

This past week as part of the Future of Learning in a Networked World 08 “event” we did a session on Drawing Together Online. Leigh Blackall arranged for us to use Otago Polytechnic’s (corrected – thanks Leigh) Elluminate room. Elluminate has a shared white board. Hmmm… possibilities. Could we draw on paper then take digital photos or scans and upload to Flickr? Draw together on the white board? The key was I wanted to create an irresistible invitation for everyone to draw something during our hour together.

We started off with a few ruminations and images from me. Leigh gave us a short lesson on drawing human figures then we just jumped in. And the white board became the center of attention. At first it was chaotic. Then we played with constraints. A theme. A request to work smaller and slower. We reflected on how we felt looking at the images. How we felt when we could not find space to make our mark, or when it was erased by someone else – and not being able to know quickly who it was. We talked about our inner censors, keeping us from drawing. How they came to us as childhood melted into adulthood.

I had a great time. For me, it was a wonderful session. The Elluminate Recording is here. A montage of some of our drawings is below as well as a link to Flickr: Photos tagged with drawingtogether

I invite any of the people who played together that day to share your impressions as well. Some of us said we want to do more exploration of drawing together online. YES!

1. flnw_ambivilance_2, 2. Commute, 3. flnw_coffee, 4. My Texturized Cofee Picture, 5. cogdog’s texturized coffee picture, 6. flnw_boundaries, 7. flnw_ambivilance, 8. I Need MORE COFFEE (PicNik-ed), 9. Our first collaborative drawing, 10. I Need MORE COFFEE, 11. Coffee, 12. Our first collaborative drawingOur Images

While we are thinking about visual thinking together, here is another amazing link of a video that really uses visual thinking, from Christian Nold at PopTech. follow that link to take a look at this video. (Edited to remove the embed because it kept auto-playing, driving some of us nuts.)

Monday Funny: Fridge Secrets

Oops, I forgot to post this on Monday. Uh oh.

Fridge Secrets.Well, I’m not sure if this is funny. But here is an amazing set of photos from .”>Eugene Kim, the fridge equivalent of Postsecret. Click into the full set to read the post its.

I have been thinking about the power of anonymous declarations, particularly those that we can touch, move, modify. A wall full of post-its that express what is on a group of people’s minds that can be annotated. Shifted.

We have so many high tech tools that we can co-write with. But when we publish on the web, it doesn’t feel the same as a post it on the fridge. These pictures got me thinking…