We don’t know what we are messing with

I mentioned yesterday that I led a session on drawing at Northern Voice yesterday. I invited people to be fearless, to draw and to share their drawings. But I forgot how that can trigger deep things in us. My friend Julie Leung pointed me a blog post about an experience of a person in that … Continue reading We don’t know what we are messing with

How I slowed down blogging and started drawing on walls

I had a ball leading a session today at Northern Voice. I have lots of pictures, more reflections, etc. But that can wait to later. In the mean time (and in case there is no “later”) here is the link to the wiki page and the slides. northernvoice wiki / How I slowed down blogging … Continue reading How I slowed down blogging and started drawing on walls

Forrester’s Online Community Best Practices

Last week I wrote briefly about the recent Forrester report on building online communities for marketing. Jeremiah Owyang followed up with me and gave me a copy of the report to read. House painting derailed my intent to read it last week and and post my thoughts, but a few quiet hours before Northern Voice … Continue reading Forrester’s Online Community Best Practices

Hope Wechkin — integration and the important things that surface.

Alert: Ramble post coming up… I wake up this morning at 5am, knowing I have to cram two day’s worth of stuff into today. Tomorrow I head up to Northern Voice in Vancouver, B.C. and today I play hooky for 5 hours to to indulge my love of gardens at the Northwest Flower and Garden … Continue reading Hope Wechkin — integration and the important things that surface.