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Updated Jan 2001 Facilitation in General Title Author URL Topic Comment I* A Poem Tom Coleman Words, inspiration A beautiful distillation of the power of words Facilitator roles and tools Excellent overview of facilitator's roles I Facilitation and Hosting a Virtual Community Nancy White Roles, definitions of online hosting and facilitation Still needs editing, NOT DONE! II Working Together: Online Facilitation IDRC Definition of online facilitation Focused on the list serv environment, but a helpful overview. II Boundaryless Facilitation Lisa Kimball Overview of virtual facilitation Overview which takes into account interaction modes and facilitation approaches II Facilitator Self Assessment Quiz Selkirk College Basic tools for online facilitation Focused on distance learning, but a great reminder that all things start with the basics! Scoring function not functional as of 9/1/99 II Cyberspace Innkeeping: Building Online Community John Coate Online social community hosting An early (and oft revised) and quintessential essay on online social community hosting. Packed with anecdotes. III Transformational Dialogues: Facilitator Training Manual #1 Flemming Funch Part 1 of 3 part manual for training process facilitators. Lots of good basic facilitation skills III Facilitator Development TCS Learning Facilitator competencies Facilitator competencies for structure process, group process, learning, transformational and leadership facilitation Design & Conference Structure
The importance and role of metaphors, structures, mental maps and clarity of purpose to help represent people's interaction spaces. Title Author URL Topic Comment I* Design Principles for Online Communities Peter Kollock http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/faculty/kollock/papers/design.htm Community design Excellent background design principals I Choosing Media Strategically for Team Communications Lisa Kimball http://www.groupjazz.com/html/gj-papers.htmlteams/choices.htm Media/tools Nice grid of different communications channels/tools and potential applications II Secrets of Successful Web Communities: 9 Timeless Design Principals for Community-Building Amy Jo Kim http://www.naima.com/articles/webtechniques.html List alone at: Community design Nice organization of design ideas with specific examples II Principals of a Knowledge Leveraging Community Infrastructure Gene Bellinger Community design, systems A concise and excellent overview of online group structure and possibilities. II Conferencing Software for the Web David Wooley Conferencing software The best one-stop review of free and cost-based online conferencing software. Not groupware in general II Research Issues in the Design of Online Communities Mark Jones http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~asb/workshops/chi/99/participants/jones.html Design of communities of work Approaches to design of virtual workplaces plus an interesting addition on communities of place. Part of an interesting set of conference proceedings. III Zen and the Art of Facilitating Virtual Teams Amy Eunice and Lisa Kimball Virtual team tools and communication modes Overview of virtual communications modes, their strengths and weaknesses. Much duplicated content in other articles. III The Joys of Togetherness Heath Row Virtual work groups, intranets General article full of case studies. III Groupware and Social Dynamics: Eight Challenges for Developers Jonathan Grudin groupware Long and a bit old, but helps clarify some of the key dynamics in groupware applications III Group Ware Resources Useability First Groupware A good starting place to learn about groupware III Technography.com Bernie DeKoven groupware Bernie is assembling a site on online collaboration tools with an initial focus in synchronous tools. Relationships and Trust Getting to Know: Enabling Relationship and Trust Building Title Author URL Topic Comment I* Community PPT Slides Awaken.com http://www.awakentech.com/AT/Awaken1.NSF/By+Title/community+of+inquiry+and+practice+slides Overview of group wisdome process I* Cyberspace Songlines Hilary McLellan Human connection in information architectures An elegant metaphor of online cybercommunication with Aboriginal Songlines I Communities in Cyberspace Kollock and Smith http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/faculty/kollock/papers/communities_01.htm Identity, social order and control, community structure/dynamics and collective action Skip the intro and start with the section on "Identity." This is also the first chapter in Kollock and Smith's excellent book, "Communities in Cyberspace." II Online Community Building Concepts (Almost Proverbs) Gail Ann Williams Community hosting General tips on online community building from a pro II Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Dorothy E. Leidner Trust, virtual teams The definitive academic paper on trust in global teams. II The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online Howard Rheingold Conversational hosting The quintessential discussion salon-type hosting guide. Norms Rules of the Road, governance and other issues of agreement and control Title Author URL Topic Comment II Developing the Team's Communications Strategy Lisa Kimball http://www.groupjazz.com/html/gj-papers.htmlteams/matrix.htm Establishing communications strategies, recognizing patterns and roles II How to Make Business Chat Work Richard Seltzer Chat Facilitation Straight forward recommendations on using chat as a business communications tool Interactions Social communities Topical communities Work-oriented communities Title Author URL Topic Comment I Communities of Practice (diagram) Arian Ward Diagram of CoP interactions Good visual I Practical Advice for Global Virtual Teamwork Kathleen Koll http://www.cs.tcd.ie/courses/ism/sism/resource/papers/knoll/advice.htm Virtual socialization tips and collaboration skills Quick list I Team Effectiveness Strategies Lisa Kimball Leadership strategies Good chart, crisp advice I Ten Key Elements for Team Leaders to Manage Lisa Kimball Team leader roles Roles I Managing Virtual Teams Lisa Kimball http://www.groupjazz.com/html/gj-papers.htmlvteams-toronto.htm Virtual teams, types, characteristics Roles, tools and techniques for working with virtual teams. Good general overview. Could go in other sections of Cybrary as well. Long. Ten Elements is shorter... II Effective Communication and Information Sharing in Virtual Teams Kevin L. McMahan Virtual teams, trust, See list of suggestions at end of paper. II A Project Management Approach to Online Communication Brian Hoyt Training virtual teams using desktop video conferencing technology Note the three key facilitation objectives outlined of : acknowledgement, understanding and action/activity III The Virtual Agora: Online Ethical Dialogues and Professional Communities Alan Tidwell http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue4_7/tidwell/ (note, sometimes this is a hard to reach URL) Use of online spaces for ethical discussions An essay examining the emergence of ethical debate and discourse on the WWW and the effect of debates on communities. Interesting for those moderating professional discussion groups III Conversation as Experiential Learning Ann Baker, Patrician Jensen, David Kolb Conversation Dialogue learning Good academic article on conversation, dialog and how they can be used for learning III Using Web-based Distance Education Tools to Promote Health Care Research in Developing Countries Linda Lacey Distance learning for collaborative research An example of a specific application of online discussion. Interesting case study for facilitative learning online. Stop Talking and Start Walking: From Ideas to Action Title Author URL Topic Comment II Collaboration and Community Denham Grey Trust and community as keys to collaboration Pacing and Timing for Effective Use of Group Energy Title Author URL Topic Comment II The Economies of Online Cooperation: Gifts and Public Goods in Cyberspace Peter Kollock, University of California, Los Angeles http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/faculty/kollock/papers/economies.htm Encouraging participation, motivation Introductory chapter to Kollock and Smith's excellent Communities in Cyberspace. Getting Over the Wall Title Author URL Topic Comment II Cowboys, Communications, Collaborators and Communities: Evolving Worthwhile Organizational Culture Carol Anne Ogdin Online culture, roles II The written world: On the theory and practice of computer conferencing Andrew Feenberg Textual mediations, writing and personal presence The section on personal identity and management of anxiety provides some insights into why people act they way they do on the web. Information & Knowledge Title Author URL Topic Comment II Ontological Structures in Virtual Communities Tim Bassett and Derek Miers Creating ontologies for virtual communities (note: this site seems to be under transition 1/01 Other Personal Journeys Title Author URL Topic Comment II Creating the Space for Community Online Sue Gilly Sample learning journal From CoP course at KEU. Nice example of a final product resulting from a learning journal. URL page for all Level III resources (after the course)
Future Trips -- Communities of practice for online facilitators.Interaction spaces of interest. Communities Listservs
Non-Electronic Publications(books, magazines)
General Facilitation Web-sites:
Full Circle Associates |