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You Gotta Have Heart -
By Nancy White
Bytes are bytes, and people are people. When it comes to building and
maintaining strong conversations and relationships with your clients, vendors,
and associates through online interactions, you gotta have "heart" -- the people.
In an online community or interaction space, this means the person or people who
moderate or facilitate the space. So how do you learn to have heart, or train
others to have it? How do you help people grow into facilitation wizards? Read
on! First, online relationships are as varied as offline relationships. You
treat your best customer in a different way than you treat an occasional vendor --
particularly when you are thinking about the amount of time
spent on each of these relationships. So one size does not fit all. You tailor
your online interaction space moderation to the target audience. Here are some
things to think about: Once you have defined your facilitation needs, think about training and
support. These issues apply whether you do this alone or bring in help. If your online interaction space is large and active,
you may want to have a more experienced facilitator or to provide some basic
facilitation training. This can be delivered through formal courses or through a
combination of reading and taking "field trips" to active online interaction
sites to observe experienced hosts and moderators. You can also look at my online
facilitation intensive course catalog. The next step is to provide the opportunity to practice moderating. This can be
in a private forum, on a public board that has slots for volunteer hosts, or in
a co-host situation with an experienced host. The latter is often the most productive
option, because it allows for both active learning and coaching from the
experienced co-host. The advantage of a private forum is that you can role-play
difficult situations to give the person a taste of some of the tougher moments
of online facilitation (flame wars, insults, difficult people, and so on --
all realities of online interaction spaces!). Point your facilitators to the wealth of information
available on the Net. There are rich resources, such as
The Well.com's Host Manual and
many others. Have them sign up for lists about online community and online
facilitation. See the links below for just a tip of the iceberg. And finally, make sure you check in and observe your facilitators. Give
them feedback. Encourage and provide mechanisms for the participants in
the interaction space to provide feedback -- positive and negative. This is the best
gift we can give each other to become better at communicating in the
text-centric world of online interactions. FaciliTips: Some quick online facilitation tips Facilitator Qualities: Thoughts on facilitator qualities eGroups' onlinefacilitation: A free listserv for online facilitators My online facilitation intensive course catalog Hosting Online Conferences: Links to a variety online hosting resources Moderator Guidelines from Lisa Kimball The Well's Host Manual for conversational spaces The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online from Howard Rheingold |