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Healing Disrupted Networks
Nancy White, 12/01
These diagrams were inspired by some conversations with friends whose company was displaced in the 9-11 bombings of the World Trade Center in New York City. This is a starting point for thinking both about tools and processes that can be used to heal disrupted and dispersed networks of people.

- intact infrastructure
- intact groups
- intact network (but how well knit?)
- system wide understanding of who is where in groups and networks

- minimal infrastructure
- dispersed groups
- some totally disconnected members (not yet called back to work)
- mimimal network
- lack of information on who/where/what/why
- stress of event and results

- minimal infrastructure
- groups reforming but not always connected to related groups
- new, geographically formed groups (do they reflect functional groups)
- reestablishing network, prioritized to high need tasks
- Focus on strengthening groups and connected disconnected individuals
- collecting and disseminating contact information (Tools: "out of the box virtual office suites which allow individuals to enter their contact info -- even yahoo groups can do this, basic shared communications functionality as interim before intranet restored)
- providing personal, warm electronic communication to reestablish sense of connection, continuity (Tools: discussion boards and voice/text chat rooms with appropriate privacy gradients)
- provide a safe place to share/talk/process for work and personal issues (Tools: text and voice chat, discussion boards, privacy gradients, facilitation and appropriate mental health oversight.)

- groups reestablishing internal connections
- some inter-group connections
- Continue strengthening groups, start connecting groups to rebuild network
- Formalized inter-team connections, reports (Tools: short online events, a "bullentin board" where teams can report their status)
- continue providing personal, warm electronic communication to reestablish sense of connection, continuity, safe place to talk (Tools: discussion boards and text/voice chat rooms with appropriate privacy gradientsfacilitation and appropriate mental health oversight.)
- Start initial network wide communications

- groups reestablished
- increased inter group connections
- stronger network
- Stronger focus on strengthening the network
- "Normalization" of business processes
- Full network communications of major ssues
- Continued attention to group and intergroup processes

- return to strong groups within intact network
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