[ Home | Online Community Toolkit |Online Community Resources ]![]() Online Facilitation Course Testimonials
Here is what some past students of past Online Facilitation workshops have said about their experience. I loved the experience. I learned a whole bunch of stuff. Got to sense what I like, value and will try to use. Absolutely engaging process and experience. Internal corporate communications are already changing - more colorful and fostering more recognition for other's successes. I have more comfort and competence at becoming more technically proficient. Great workshop! Great experience! Great offer! Amazing how much cost saving and higher quality you can obtain in an e-learning context. That was an eye-opener to me.
Really, really great course. The workshop was very intense, and I liked it. I walked away with a wealth of information, and a wealth of experience.The content was really quite exceptional. The cybrary is a fantastic resource. It is an overwhelming amount of reading, but I was happy when I learned it could be read at a later date.
If you want to know how to create online communities that really live, regardless of their purpose, then this is the program to come to. Millions of tips and great ideas for what works.
IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland It was one of the best event I have ever attended. Great exapmle of how online environments can produce value and results.
Canada This experience took me onto an entirely new level of experience, knowledge and potential. I feel like I learned from the best!
Seattle, USA Great workshop! Great people! A real learning experience that has provided me with plenty of knowledge - AND a lot of confidence to take my projects forward in a more professional way.
A whole new world and perspective to operate in and through - from this moment on ! ...Exciting growth for me in many ways and as a total new experience. Really useable content and processes. Wonderful instructors and a great community of warm fellow-humans with purpose and relish for life...I see the whole approach as highly relevant for us in Africa. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Bannerman & Associates Durban, South Africa I do a lot of audio and NetMeeting conferencing--this course helped add a completely new dimension to online facilitation.
RebL Systems Redwood City, California This class becomes what you make it. Nancy treats the participants as self-motivated adult learners and supports the ideas and directions that participants raise.
Davis, California The pool of participants and their willingness to share openly with others was exceptional! I was impressed with the quality of the people
Butler County Community College A unique experience in my long group and seminar career. Being usually very critical about workshops, seminars and the like I attend, I 'm satisfied with this one to a point that surpasses anything I have done in the
Neuville, Quebec, Canada Very well-run course. The two instructors were very knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and welcoming. I liked the ability to try out new things in a controled space. I also liked the concept of the virtual learning, being able to access the information at one's own pace. The workshop gave me a deeper appreciation of the effort required to get a virtual community up and running. The general resources in the Cybrary are very useful and will also have a direct application to my current project.
What an amazing, wonderful roller-coaster - I shall certainly recommend this course to others. My wife has been really torn in her attitude to it, as she feels a little aggrieved at having seen so little of me the last fortnight, but is so happy to see the way my eyes sparkle every time I talk about it!
www.scottishpolicynet.org.uk Edinburgh, Scotland Broke through the fear of using the technology. Can not wait to use my new knowledge in facilitation, especially in community building. Full of graditude for the knowledge gained and particular grateful for the permanent recod of the course on a CD.
Excellent three weeks, well worth the money. Well produced and comprehensive. Excellent, well-done!!
Eu gostaria de agradecer pela bolsa de estudos e pela oportunidade que o curso me deu de compreender como se pode construir uma comunidade online e a importância dessa tecnologia para a troca de experiências.
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Rio de Janeiro, Brasil It is amazing how much cost saving and higher quality you can obtain in an e-learning context. That was an eye-opener to me. Good Value for money and good example of e-learning.
Process facilitator ConDiv, consultancy company Copenhagen Denmark Really, really great course. I walked away with a wealth of information, and a wealth of experience.
Project Manager RTC Health Toronto Canada In spite of limited active participation, this is one of the best learning experiences I have had because of the careful attention to all aspects of the learning content and the learning experience. Thanks, Nancy.
It is a great pleasure to witness facilitation skill exectuted at such a very high level. Nancy is knowledgeable, responsive, and well attuned to her learners and this learning environment. A very worthwhile experience.
Director of Training MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Alexandria USA Para mi fue muy enriquecedor conocer a través de este medio gente tan especial con un gran espiritu de compartir sus conocimientos y experiencias. Este taller nos permitio conocer personas que trabajan en áreas similares, que enfrentan los mismos problemas y que persiguen objetivos comunes y entre ellos se destacata el compartir lo que es de todos LA INFORMACIÖN un derecho de todos!!!
Research Assistant CIAT Palmira Colombia To all involved, many thanks for such a valuable and well structured course. It has enthralled me and had me so intensely involved each day that it has become a routine to login at least twice a day since the beginning and I think next week will feel very strange without having this as a part of my daily life. Congratulations on such a professional program and best wishes for future groups. Linda Austin Now that I have started to learn on-line techniques, I am envigerated and challenged to go furher. This has been one of the few workshops that I have taken that I can see a direct and immediate application of my new knowledge and I am energized to do so. Timing was perfect too. If I had taken the last session I would have cooled down at this point when I really need on-line facilitation.
Canada All the course materials were top-notch. They certainly leave room for further reading and investigation and provided lots of food for thought. Having everything on a CD afterwards is also a definite plus!The most useful ideas that will help imediately is just knowing what are all the tools that are out there and where to find more resources. It also helps to do the various assessments. We need to know the needs of the members and find ways to design the spaces that they will need. Overall, it has been an amazing learning experience. It has really gotten my creative juices flowing and put me in the right direction. Before I was quite clueless as to how to get the ball rolling. Now I have a plan and a way to implement it. Though that still doesn't guarantee success, it sure increases the odds. Thanks again!
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