A long long time ago, on a planet far away, Pete Cranston, Susan Stewart, Bonnie Koenig and I wrote this piece, So You Want to Host a Web Meeting. Some of the links are dead, but the advice is still solid. Enjoy! If someone wants to do an update, I can dig up the original file. Onward!
Susan Stewart http://guidedmeetings.com/
Pete Cranston http://uk.linkedin.com/in/petercranston
Bonnie Koenig http://www.goinginternational.com/about/
First of all, thank you to your and your contributors work on this document. It is exactly what I was looking for my organizations. I would be extremely interested in doing an update of the document, as these skills will carry us all through the upcoming challenges as we negotiate this pandemic and the changed world we will be in after it.
With heartfelt thanks,
Mark Milotay
Mark, I’d love to collaborate!