Connected, Distracted, and Waving

It is 6am in Cape Town, South Africa, where I am typing in the dark, with the glow of my little laptop, preparing for two workshops today at the University of Cape Town. My amazing host, Tony Carr, invited over a few friends and colleagues for dinner last night. They inspired me to rethink today’s workshops, so I’m up early to prepare. I had to grab a link from my blog and realized that I had ignored it lately (last post: May 3) so it felt worth a quick “check in.”

A week and a half ago I spent a fantastic four days in Vancouver BC for the BC Campus/SCoPE “Online Community Enthusiasts” gathering (#OCE2010) and then my beloved NorthernVoice 2010. I hung out with old and new friends, did a fun little workshop, and then hopped the train back south to Seattle, spent a day at home only to turn around and head to South Africa. (Contextual photos here.)

Here I have given talks, facilitated workshops on Community Technology Stewardship at CSIR on Pretoria, the workshops here in Cape Town and then I’ll be on to Durban for the IST Conference.

Yes, I should link to all these people and events, but I had this urge to simply connect, confess my distraction and wave. So here I am, waving to you!

Debrief: the role of visuals in online community management

Today I was a guest of the Community Roundtable, sharing some ideas about the role of visuals in online community facilitation and management. This is the first of two such gatherings this month. The second will be in the context of online learning for the Knowplace event next week. Screenshot of shared drawing

We used my free space plus (since my visual slides created a humongous file size and I was too lazy to break it apart.) I like Vyew’s white board, simple set up and the ability to easy make every participant a collaborator with access to the white board tools.

I offered a bit of context on the general role of visuals in group processes, then some stories about translating those ideas online. After that, the fun really began as we drew together. First I asked them to draw without talking. Then there is a little tool in Vyew where you can make your cursor invisible, so people could not tell WHO was drawing what.  I asked them to activate that feature. Then we debriefed. The comments ranged from feeling free to collaborate on an image, to struggling a bit with the tools, to drawing off by oneself in a corner. Some liked the anonymity, some didn’t. Then we talked about how such exercises could be used, particularly in a work context where this might otherwise be seen as frivolous.

Afterwards my hosts, Rachel Happe and Jim Storer were kind to offer (and allow me to share) their feedback. I appreciate that in return for my time in being their guest.

Rachel’s Notes:

I thought it went very well given that most of the people on the call were completely new to the idea of drawing online or together.

The different chairs as an opener gave people a framework/context that they could relate to in order to get started.

I thought the slides plus the playing were a bit hard to fit into an hour but given that I was surprised how active people were – most people seemed to jump right in and unlike the phone, people didn’t have to take turns so everyone – even if they were not collaborating per se – could participate right away which is often really hard to get them to do verbally even if you do call on them and give them time on the call.

Intentionally cutting off talking was also interesting – kind of an odd sensation since I rely so much on getting explicit confirmation from people. Really interesting to watch how collaboration unfolds without voice.

It’s definitely given me some things to think about for our own use.

Jim – other thoughts?


Jim’s Notes

Great session! I was trying to observe and participate, which was a bit challenging. I eventually just gave in and participated. Gave me a lot of ideas on how to introduce people to one another. Since using tools like that feels a little silly, it breaks down conventions and barriers pretty quickly. I loved to see how people co-created with each other.

Too much to digest so soon… I wish more members had joined in. They would have enjoyed it.

Thanks again Nancy. I just wished I’d had a chance to tell everyone how I started following you back in 2002 (I think) when I first found your Online Community Toolkit. 🙂

I’ll return with the debrief after the Knowplace event on the 23rd!

Here are the slides:

EFQUEL – European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning – 2010

A few years ago my friend Ulf-Daniel Ehlers invited me to speak at the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning. When he asked, I said incredulously, WHAT? Me speak about E-Learning Quality? Thus began my education into what this can mean – beyond certifications, hide-bound rules and what often ends up  being a limitation instead of a search for and valuing of quality. Ulf and his colleagues opened up some new vistas for me.  In thanks, I’m sitting on this year’s program committee. We haven’t had our virtual meeting yet, so I wanted to find out, what would YOU want to see on an agenda for such meeting. Take a look at the current outline, which is more action oriented than presentation focused.  Do you have any suggestions you want me to take to the meeting?

EFQUEL – European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning – 2010: Lisbon.

Digital Habitats on April 5 Yi-Tan Tech Call

Host with the most, Jerry Michalski, convenes a weekly 45 minute telecon that delves into interesting subjects and discussed with fascinating people. This coming week Etienne, John and I are the guests. Here is the information – please JOIN US!

Digital Habitats
Yi-Tan Weekly Tech Call #274
Monday, April 5, 2010

Do you need a technology steward? Are you one already?

Etienne Wenger, Nancy White and John D Smith are black belts in social learning and online community formation (as well as longtime friends of ours). Their new book, Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities, focuses on how communities and technology intersect, with practical advice for the stewards — the people with enough experience in the workings of a community to understand its technology needs, and enough experience with technology to take leadership in addressing those needs.

If you are a member of a community (who isn’t?) and you’ve made use of a mailing list, wiki, web conferencing system, Skype call or other collaboration tool, you’re probably curious already.

With Etienne, Nancy and John, let’s discuss:

  • How has technology changed what it means for communities to “be together”?
  • What is the role of a technology steward? the key skills? the new terms of art?
  • Where can we see these stewards in action? How can we learn these skills?

There’s also a site for their new book, here.

As always, an IRC Chat will be available during the call, here.

We tweet as @yitan. Please follow us, and let’s also continue using #yitan. This page is on a wiki, here.

Date:    Monday, April 5, 2010

Time:    10:30 PDT, 1:30 EDT

Dial-in Number: 1-270-400-1500
Participant Access Code: 778778

See all the calls in the call archive or listen to the edited podcasts on this blog. You can also listen to the shorter call summaries.
Please feel free to forward this note to people you think would be interested in these calls. (To unsubscribe, please just reply to me and I’ll be happy to do so.)

Talk to you on the call!



What does it mean to facilitate an online meeting?

The topic and practice of facilitating online meetings and webinars is cropping up all around my work and play life. People are asking a) when to use online meetings and b) how do to them – WELL! I am in the midst of preparing some resource materials, so I’d like to ask for your favorite resources. And to kick it off, here is a little three minute introduction Chahira Nouira of UN University in Bonn and I made this morning. We had tried Wetoku but the images weren’t so great, so we reverted to Skype and my Flip Camera. Keep it simple!

YouTube – What does it mean to facilitate an online meeting?.

Don’t forget, please share your best online meeting facilitation tips!