I’ve been having fun riffing on Lynda Barry’s “drawing monsters” in combination with a variety of Liberating Structures. These are known as “string” in the LS community. When we string together structures, we go deeper, increase engagement and have serious fun!
Drawing Monsters helps us make our fears conscious and visible. This sets us up to use a variety of LSs that can help us address those monsters.
This string includes 15% Solutions, Troika Consulting, Improv Prototyping, Discovery and Action Dialog and What, So What, Now What? Rarely would you need all of the LS that followed monsters, but there are some nice pairings and triads of structures. 15% Solutions is a great starting base. If the challenges are individual, Troika Consulting works well. If there is a shared monster, Discovery and Action Dialog is great.
For me the Improv Prototyping is VERY helpful in converting ideas into practice. We can THINK about solutions in our heads, but until we practice talking about them, living them, they may be stifled and unformed.
What, So What, Now What? makes a great reflection and wrap up, doing it 1-2-4-All style or 1- All. Keep the solitary moment of reflection in there. There are people who really need that minute or two!
I’ve been asked enough times that I think it is time to write up and share what I’ve done and learned. At the end of this post is a PDF and PowerPoint attached with all the supporting materials. Have fun and share in the comments what you have done/plan to do with this!

Monsters FollowOn Strings PDF
Monsters FollowOn Strings PPT