I am a noodle

Here is one rescued from the draft archives when I was poking around today.

A great blog post by Keith Hamon exploring the idea of rhizomatic learning, but here is the quote that knocked my socks off when I drafted this post. A metaphor that stuck.

Think of a plate of spaghetti. Keith Hamon is one noodle strand intertwined and thoroughly embedded in the mass of noodles, and my sense of myself or your sense of me as a discrete entity totally depends upon where along the noodle strand you or I happen to be focusing and what other noodles intersect me there.

via Communications & Society: #change11 Defining the Rhizome.

2 thoughts on “I am a noodle”

  1. This is a metaphor that I cannot unsee. Henceforth, you will be a noodle to me, a strand of spaghetti in particular. And since I love spaghetti, that is a good thing. Bon apetit!

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